New ‘Enlightening’ WWE Segment Debuts

New ‘Enlightening’ WWE Segment Debuts WWE

On tonight’s April 18 edition of an NXT star debuted the newest addition to their gimmick, an episodic chat show.

Hard Hitting Home Truths with Nathan Frazer debuted on tonight’s episode of WWE NXT in what seemed to blend a news segment and self improvement advice.

“I can never be sad, I can never be down in the dumps about anything as long as I don’t slow down,” Frazer said.

Going on to add the somewhat dubious life advice that if you’re constantly doing things, looking for ways to improve yourself, unhappiness cannot catch you.

Nathan Frazer concluded his news desk pep talk segment by saying that he was resolved to continue to pursue success in NXT.

It remains to be seen how this iteration of Frazer will interact with other characters or the crowd.

Elsewhere at tonight’s NXT taping, a fan favorite star made their return after two months out of action due to injury. 

You can keep up with all the latest news from NXT by clicking this link. 

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2 years ago by Amanda Savage



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