Relationship With WWE & Major Promotion Set To Continue, Top Champion Heading To NXT?

Relationship With WWE & Major Promotion Set To Continue, Top Champion Heading To NXT? WWE

There has been an update on the working relationship between WWE and a major promotion following a recent crossover.

WWE partnered up with All Japan Pro Wrestling to kick off 2024, when NXT star Charlie Dempsey wrestled for the Japanese promotion, being defeated by Triple Crown Champion Katsuhiko Nakajima.

Dempsey’s appearance for AJPW seemed to be a one off, but it seems as though that may not be the case.

Per Monthly Puroresu, the relationship between AJPW and WWE is seemingly set to continue, with AJPW president Tsuyoki Fukuda saying:

“I asked a well-known spiritual medium from heaven to see what was going to happen to the company. The person who symbolizes All Japan Pro Wrestling,’ I had several opportunities to be invited to consult with. This is a true story, but it’s my private experience in a place that has nothing to do with professional wrestling, and I followed the advice I received there.

“However, we were told that we actually received co-operation from WWE/NXT, and a business partnership was decided with Actwres girl’Z, and that our daily numbers have steadily increased in a short period of time.”

“I [at one point] started to see my limits, and I started running out of money, and I thought, ‘Is this the end of All Japan Pro Wrestling and the history of the Triple Crown?’. Just when I thought I had no choice but to give up, I started working with an American organization. I consulted a person and the first thing he said was, ‘Pro wrestling is no longer as popular as it used to be,’ he knew everything about the current situation without me having to explain it to him. I was thinking, new forms of entertainment like martial arts have increased, so it’s inevitable that this is a trend of the times.

“He gave me advice on the spot, and I heard an unexpected idea saying, ‘Fukuda, shake it off!’. I started implementing it last year and it turned out to be a success, and the efforts of the players and employees have started to produce results, and I am blessed to be able to continue running the business even now.”

The report also notes that there are tentative plans for current Triple Crown Champion Nakajima to make the return trip to NXT, though no deal has been officially made yet.

While Nakajima reigns as Triple Crown Champion, he is a freelancer and not technically signed to AJPW, so would be free to make a deal with WWE on his own accord.

One source also suggested to Monthly Puroresu that the excursions of NXT talent to AJPW shall continue, with two names set to be brought in for the upcoming Champion Carnival tournament in April.

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7 months ago by Connel Rumsey



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