Former WWE Star Claims Hulk Hogan Got Another Legend Fired

Former WWE Star Claims Hulk Hogan Got Another Legend Fired WWE

Hulk Hogan was, one of the most iconic wrestlers of all time, with his ‘Hulkamania’ brand becoming a household name in the 1980s.

Things could have been very different, however, following allegations that Hogan was responsible for WWE booker George Scott leaving the company.

Mario Mancini, a former wrestler who worked for the company in the 1980s, recently spoke about the incident on the Cheap Heat Productions Podcast, saying:

“George Scott was the booker and George Scott loved me. I would have had quite a different career if George Scott stayed the booker and not Pat Patterson. George Scott got fired because he wanted to put the strap on Randy Savage right away. Hogan, he went and he pitched and b****ed to Vince (McMahon), and (Vince) fired George and brought in Pat.”

George Scott would work for the then-WWF from 1983 until 1986. A previous feature from Slam Wrestling had indicated that Scott quit the company due to the workload. The feature stated:

“Eventually, it wasn’t the silliness that made Scott quit the WWF, it was the workload. ‘If I keep this up, I’m going to die,’ Scott recalled thinking.”

Transcriptions via PW Mania and Slam Wrestling

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2 years ago by Dave Adamson


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