Should WWE Have An Off Season?

When would they do it?

There seems to be a running pattern with the WWE, especially in later years. There is usually this strange lull in creativity, storylines, etc. between Survivor Series and the Royal Rumble. “Then this would be the perfect time for the break” I hear you cry… but not necessarily. Vince McMahon would never pass up on those merch sales during the festive period.

In many wrestling fans eyes (myself included) they see the start of the year occurring at Wrestlemania. But what if the year ended at the show of all shows instead?  Having the following month as their ‘Off Season.’ During which, the ‘Superstar Shakeup’ can take place and could be turned into an event that’s made to feel big and flashy. With news show/bulletins of when transfers and deals have been made, and a special live draft on ‘Deadline Day’ via WWE Network (most likely hosted by Coachman.) And come the start of the next month; Raw, Smackdown (and NXT) will all have new shiny rosters ready to see in another year.

I realize that all of this is hypothetically speaking, and the notion of an ‘Off Season’ verges into fantasy booking territory, but the WWE could see a lot of good from taking some time away from our screens. Will it ever happen? No. But a girl can only dream.

5 years ago by Wrestle Talk


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