Should WWE Have An Off Season?

For the Fans

Ever heard the saying, ‘absence makes the heart grow fonder’? Give us a chance to miss the product and we’ll come back. NBA doesn’t lose fans just because it had an off season. Yes, in the world of professional wrestling there are many other outlets we, as fans, can turn to, like Impact or ROH. But if WWE’s product is poor, to begin with, fans are going to leave regardless. A break from TV isn’t going to change that.

Besides, there’s a little thing called the WWE Network. This ‘break’ could be the opportune moment to push out all those documentaries and specials they always harp on about. Too much content can be a curse rather than a cure, so take away the main bulk of that content (i.e. the weekly TV tapings) and give people a chance to miss it.

5 years ago by Wrestle Talk


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