Kabuki Warriors Done With Paige

Kabuki Warriors Done With Paige

Tonight on Raw, Paige returned to manage the Kabuki Warriors.  It’s been months since Paige has been seen with the Kabuki Warriors.

So, it was definitely kind of strange to all of a sudden see her back with the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions.  She began to cut a promo on behalf of the Kabuki Warriors.

She didn’t get to talk for long.  Kairi Saine grabbed the mic and screamed something in Japanese at Paige.

Asuka then spewed green mist in her eyes.  Paige begged for water and escaped to the outside.  Asuka looked to continue the attack.

Eventually, Becky Lynch came out to stop the attack.  This then led right into the match between Becky Lynch and Sane.

The match was pretty good for a television match.  Sane and Asuka will be good heels for Becky Lynch to defend against over the next little bit.

It looks like the Paige return was basically a quick way to get The Kabuki Warriors some heat and set up a way to transition into the Sane/Lynch match.

While it was nice to see Paige back, she never felt like a great match as manager of the Kabuki Warriors.  Tonight’s angle should put an end to the odd trio.

5 years ago by Nate


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