Vince McMahon Undecided On Major WrestleMania 38 Plans

Vince McMahon Undecided On Major WrestleMania 38 Plans WWE

In most cases, not having concrete plans in place for just 2 days away from you biggest show of the year would be quite shocking, but this is WWE and it’s Vince McMahon, so it’s pretty much par for the course.

According to Dave Meltzer on the latest edition of Wrestling Observer Radio, Vince still has no idea what is going to be the main event of WrestleMania Saturday. As Meltzer puts it: “Nobody knows”.

The confusion seems to be whether it’ll be Charlotte Flair vs. Ronda Rousey, or whether it’ll be Steve Austin on the Kevin Owens Show.

Meltzer said:

“Kevin Owens was scripted to say that he is in the main event, so on Monday night, he was very clearly in the main event on Monday night, because he didn’t say that off the cuff. He was told, ‘You say that’.

“Tuesday, Ronda Rousey’s on Ellen DeGeneres, and she says she’s in the main event on Saturday against Charlotte Flair. So I’m thinking like, wow, it’s probably Kevin Owens, because I know he was scripted on Raw, and they probably never told Ronda, because the plan all along from the day of the Royal Rumble until close to Monday – because even midweek (last week) – it was still Ronda Rousey in the main event. I’m guessing that they never told Ronda that they changed it, so I’m going like, ‘What the… what’s going on?’.

“And it’s – Vince is going back and forth. Nobody knows. And who knows. Shouldn’t when Kevin made that proclamation, shouldn’t that be the decision? And shouldn’t Ronda be aware of that? And it’s like, well, it keeps going back and forth, Vince keeps changing his mind. So whatever happens, it keeps going back and forth.”

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The main event of WrestleMania Sunday seems more set in stone, with Roman Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar in their winner takes all championship match almost definitely closing the show.

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2 years ago by Andy Datson


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