20 Greatest Kickouts In Wrestling History

13. The Rock WrestleMania X-Seven

I might get hate for this, but I honestly think this kickout’s a tad overrated.

Like it’s GOOD, of course it is, the crowd response alone speaks to that, but the whole match had been building and building to Austin finally hitting the Stunner on The Rock, and instead of kicking out at two and a half, Rock powers out at two.

It’s a small difference, but all the difference. Big moment, big match, and the storytelling’s great, the kick-out breaks Austin’s mind and that leads to him unloading with the chair, but it could have been JUST slightly better and you know I’m right.

12. Kenny Omega – Wrestle Kingdom 11

The moment that you knew that Kenny Omega would someday be IWGP Heavyweight Champion.

The first-ever singles match between Omega and Okada took place at Wrestle Kingdom 11. It ran over 45 minutes, making it the longest Wrestle Kingdom match ever at the time, and a finisher is only kicked out of ONCE.

After a blistering exchange, a dead on his feet Omega is hit with the Rainmaker and kicks out at the last possible second.

A huge deal, and a lot of credit has to be given to Okada for his face after. Instead of the bugged-eye HUH face that so many wrestlers do, Okada just looks really really sad. Like ‘oh no’. Brilliant.

11. Randy Savage & The Ultimate Warrior – WrestleMania VII

An absolute classic, the retirement match between Randy Savage and The Ultimate Warrior isn’t talked about nearly enough as it should be.

The crowd is MENTAL for this match throughout, thanks to a whip-smart and unexpected match layout that sees not one but two insane kickouts.

First, Savage hits Warrior with not one, not two, but FIVE elbow drops and that doesn’t put him away, but then Warrior hits the running splash, the move that won him the WWF Title the year before and this time SAVAGE powers out.

Very silly stuff, but consider that both men’s careers were on the line, the kickouts matched the stakes.

3 years ago by Adam Blampied



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