5 Reasons to Love Wrestling: Ep. 6

 3. Big Men Bring the House Down

Since Ep. 5 was late, we decided not to present you with a sub-par new episode so quickly after the last one. I can never give you guys anything but the best. So, since I missed last week, I’m gonna kinda cheat and go back and cover a few awesome matches we missed that deserve a spot on here.

If you haven’t already, do yourself a favor and read the brilliant Josh Howey’s amazing “Top 3 in WWE” where he checks out all the matches from WWE‘s four main shows and picks the best of the best for you lovely people.

Top 3 in WWE Ep. 2 really stole the third spot this week by highlighting some of the big men that make this sport great. I’m talking the 10-Man Tag match on Raw that saw Braun Strowman put the Miz’s Raw run to bed and the match between Killian Dain and bridge troll cosplayer Lars Sullivan.

First, the 10-Man Tag Match. This was the Miz’s Raw swan song and Braun played him out in style. I could watch Braun deliver T-Rex dropkicks all day.

On top of a brutal ending, courtesy of a Powerslam, the betrayal of the Miztourage was damn near heartbreaking. It may be the last meaningful thing Bo and Axel do for a while but it drew us in and made us care. And anytime WWE can elicit that response from us jaded fans, to quote Martha Stuart, it’s a good thing.

Then there was Killian Dain vs. Shrek, I mean Lars Sullivan. Seriously, that’s a mug that could give the French Angel a run for his money.

The brutality these two men displayed in there no DQ match was horrifyingly majestic. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t Mick Foley levels of extreme, but the sheer size of the men involved multiplied the impact every slam and every chair shot

Watching a bloodied Killian Dain deliver The Divide to Sullivan through a table was a bigger car wreck than Mr. Magoo on the Autobahn. Just look at Sullivan’s head bust through the table. I surprised the impact didn’t cause a global extinction.

6 years ago by Cody Brooks


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