WrestleTalk Roundtable – WWE Raw – November 26, 2018

What was the worst part of last night’s episode?

Steven Lugo

Nia Jax promo. Sometimes it’s hard to tell what is heel work and what is just WWE trolling its audience. I guess I’d be a lot easier on this segment if I was more convinced there would be a payoff in it.

Truth is, it remains to be seen whether WWE will acknowledge Becky Lynch as its hottest star, and let her continue her run. Nia’s push seems like rewarding bad behavior, and her exchanges with Ronda here, plus the weird run-ins, made the whole scene messy.

Dylan Kapisky

Dean goes to the doctor’s office. What the hell was this? The Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose feud was a personal, believable, engaging storyline that has been slowly building since August. What did they do to keep that momentum? Made Dean pick on the people of Milwaukee from a doctor’s office.

I couldn’t even pay attention to what he was saying because I was so lost in the dreadfully confusing scenery. What was the purpose of having him there? Are we supposed to think he’s a badass because he took a few needles to the arm? Is he devious for caring about his health? If any readers have been paying close attention, you’ll know how much I’ve loved this feud, but tonight was such a huge step back, it’s going to take one hell of a video package to get me re-invested.

JP Wood

Repetitive, unending, and ultimately pointless abuses of power by both authority figures on the show. Corbin’s beatdowns of anyone he doesn’t like and now Bliss is in on the action. It’s not fun. It’s predictable and pointless. Ack.

Eric Stites

My least favorite part of the show was the Nia Jax promo. Don’t get me wrong, I like that they’re using the punch to Becky Lynch as a way to get some heat for Nia. It’s a great tactic and it’s proven very effective.

However I don’t think she should still be cutting promos about it other than a reference here and there, because there can’t be a payoff with Becky and Nia being on different shows. Maybe they can have a payoff at the Royal Rumble with Becky getting her revenge, but that’s still two months away.

5 years ago by Nicholas Holicki


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