WrestleTalk Roundtable – WWE Raw – November 26, 2018

How would you rate the show overall? (From best to worst: In Awe, Cor, AvRAWge, Poor and Bore)

Steven Lugo

Bore. As the sky falls and I shield myself from the onslaught, I ask “What did we ever do to them? Why do they hate us?” One wonders if the things in Dean Ambrose’s germaphobe, fan-hating promo come from the deeply-held beliefs of WWE‘s upper management. Just sayin’.

Here are a few more lingering questions. Could WWE care any less about its own tag-team division? Did the beat-down of Elias have to last 183 minutes? How many times can we see Drake Maverick take a piss? Is Lars Sullivan really the answer to the above problems?

Dylan Kapisky

Poor. I seemed to be the only person in the world who liked last week’s show. Don’t worry, I’ve returned to Earth this week (unless everybody inexplicably loved this show, in which case I’m forever a contrarian I guess).

Aside from the Rollins / Ziggler match, this show was very uninteresting or just plain bad. Corbin isn’t strong enough on the mic to be carrying the top feud on Raw by himself. Ambrose is just a generic heel who goes to the doctor, apparently. And Drake Maverick now has a piss fetish.

The injuries certainly aren’t helping the red brand, but that’s merely an excuse at this point, not a reason. The roster is still plenty talented enough to produce a better show than creative gives them credit for.

JP Wood

BoreThis was a complete waste of the audience’s time. Nothing new or interesting happened, no storylines really moved forward, and if you didn’t watch it, you didn’t miss anything worth watching.

I feel like someone booked this show by walking into the room and saying this:

“Could we please get another wooden Nia Jax promo that drags down Rousey along with it? I desperately need to see a bunch of big guys prove their dominance over Finn Bálor, can ya help me out? It would also really make my night if you could have a nonsensical and arguably problematic piñata-based tag team embarrass a talented one. Add in some uncomfortably unwanted-looking physical contact from Curt Hawkins and that’s a five-star Raw.”


Eric Stites

This episode of Raw was awful. So many poor segments and angles, as well as several boring matches. As always in recent times, the show was far too heel heavy.

There were things that I liked that saved this episode from being a bore. I liked Elias’ promo at the beginning of the show. I thought Alexa Bliss did well with her new tweener authority role. I also thought the Intercontinental open-challenge match between Dolph and Seth was decent, though not great.

Overall, this episode was Poor.

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What did you think of last night’s Raw? Give us a shout in the comments below. Reach out to WrestleTalk on Twitter, and join the conversation with the entire team on Discord.

5 years ago by Nicholas Holicki


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