WrestleTalk’s Facts, Opinions, and Rumors

3. WWE Shocked at AEW Success

Rumor:  WWE and Vince McMahon are shocked at the success of AEW ticket sales.  

Rumor:  AEW had over 150k people trying to get tickets for All Out.

Fact: AEW All Out sold out in under 15 minutes.

Opinion:  Why would anyone be surprised at the success of AEW at this point?  All In sold out in 30 minutes.  Double or Nothing, more of the same.  Fans and critics (minus Jim Cornette) have loved everything about AEW so far.

Dusty Rhodes was a creative genius behind the scenes and fantastic in front of the camera.  It doesn’t look like the apple has fallen far from the tree.  Combined with the entrepreneurial attitude of Matt and Nick Jackson, AEW has been hitting on all cylinders.

Throw in the fact you have Kenny Omega who is widely considered to be one of the top two or three wrestlers in the world today and why wouldn’t they be successful?

Not to mention, they just happened to partner with Tony Khan.  He’s incredibly rich, you know.

Of course, it doesn’t shock me that Vince is surprised.  He’s out of touch with the world.  I mean, Vince is trying to bring back the XFL.  That’s like Taco Bell bringing back their hamburger.  Didn’t know Taco Bell had hamburgers?  Exactly.

Clearly, Vince doesn’t understand why guys who are motivated to change the wrestling business from the model he is currently burying into the ground.  It’s clear he either doesn’t understand or doesn’t care.

5 years ago by Nate


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