Another AEW Star Removed From Roster Page

Another AEW Star Removed From Roster Page AEW

UPDATE: The latest update on this story can be found at this link.

Another AEW star has been removed from the company’s official roster page.

Recently, both Trench of Mogul Affiliates and Fuego Del Sol were removed from the roster page, which was shortly followed by the two of them departing the company.

Today, another AEW star has been pulled from the roster, that being Brian Pillman Jr.

Pillman has been a part of AEW since the beginning of the company in 2019 as part of the Varsity Blonds tag team with Griff Garrison.

The team have rarely featured on television since Julia Hart left the group to join up with the House of Black.

His last match for AEW came at the May 13 House Rules live event, where he and Griff were defeated by the Gunns.

Pillman’s partner Griff Garrison is still listed as a member of the roster as of this writing.

We will provide more updates on Pillman’s status as they become available.

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2 years ago by Connel Rumsey



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