Best Body Transformations Of 2020

3. Roman Reigns

Interestingly, there are some who think Roman Reigns may have actually lost a bit of muscle definition in the past 12 to 18 months, but given what he’s had to endure outside the ring, I think that’s kind of fair enough.

So, if his transformation isn’t strictly related to muscles, then what is it, I hear you ask.

Well, just look at him.

Taking that silly vest off has made him look twelve times as physically impressive and 13 times as intimidating. Of course it’s helped that he’s being booked like the world’s greatest human, because let’s face it, he sort of is right now, but as a character, he is so much more the Roman we always wanted and knew we could get.

Also, recovering from Leukaemia and still looking like Roman Reigns is a miracle in itself.

2. Pete Dunne

When I asked people for suggestions for this list, I think about 90% of people’s first reaction was “Pete Dunne”, or alternatively “Pete Dune”, “Peter Dunne”, “Peter Doooon” and of course “what about that English guy in NXT?”

Pete took to Twitter in September to address some fans’ concern that he was either unwell or losing weight.

He went on to explain that far from losing weight, he’s actually used his time in lockdown to turn himself into a marble statue. Look at those yummy veins.

In the tweet, he wrote:

“I’ve had quite a few mentions saying I’ve lost weight and asking if I’m unwell etc.

“I’ve used lockdown to get in the best shape of my life and I’m excited for an eventual in ring return when travel is possible.”

Just look at those Pete Gunnes.

1. Edge

Well it had to be, didn’t it?

Who knew that someone who hadn’t wrestled for 8 years after being forced into retirement would return at the age of 46 in the best shape of his career.

My reaction was pretty much “Oh wow it’s Edge, and oh wow look at those abs”.

While 2020 hasn’t gone exactly to plan for the Rated Ripped Superstar, what with injuring his arm at WrestleMania, there’s no doubt that he put in some serious work to ensure that when he returned, it would be a return everyone would remember for a very long time.

You could grate cream cheese on those things.

3 years ago by Andy Datson


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