AEW Files To Trademark BLOOD & GUTS

AEW Files To Trademark BLOOD & GUTS AEW

AEW has filed to trademark Blood & Guts, which as most will know is the name of their double-ringed cage match, which sees two teams enter at intervals. It’s a bit like WarGames but different.

Here is the full trademark application, which was submitted by AEW on March 27, 2022.

BLOOD & GUTS™ trademark registration is intended to cover the categories of downloadable ring tones, graphics and music via a global computer network and wireless devices; video and computer game tapes, video and computer game discs, video and computer game cassettes, video and computer game cartridges, video and computer game cd-roms; downloadable video and computer game software; cinematographic and television films featuring sports, entertainment and subjects of general human interest; pre-recorded phonograph records, pre-recorded compact discs, pre-recorded video tapes, pre-recorded video cassette tapes, pre-recorded dvds and pre-recorded audio cassettes, all featuring sports, entertainment and subjects of general human interest; downloadable interactive video game programs and computer game cartridges; decorative refrigerator magnets; mouse pads; disposable cameras; sunglasses; sunglass cases; prescription glasses; and optical cases, namely, cases for spectacles and sunglasses; walkie talkies, protective helmets; sports helmets.

You can check out all AEW trademark applications right here using our tracker.

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3 years ago by Andy Datson


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