Tony Khan Responds To CM Punk & Hangman Page Situation

Tony Khan Responds To CM Punk & Hangman Page Situation AEW

The latest AEW drama has been the talk of the wrestling world over the past few days following a post match promo from CM Punk after AEW Collision.

Punk ran down Hangman Adam Page in the segment after reading a sign that read ‘Hangman Was Right’.

After the segment, reports emerged of numerous AEW stars being sent away from Collision tapings, some even at the request of Punk himself.

Speaking on the Battlegrounds podcast, Tony Khan was asked about the reports, as well as the promo Punk cut on Hangman after Collision.

When asked if could provide any clarification on the situation, Khan said:

“No, not really. I thought it was a great show Saturday night and I don’t have any further comment to that but I am glad people are still very interested in our wrestlers and what’s happening after the wrestling shows.

“I think we’ll try to have a couple great shows this week but certainly there has been a lot of interest in what’s happening in AEW in and out of the ring.” 

transcription via F4WOnline

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2 years ago by Connel Rumsey



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