10 Kurt Angle Matches You MUST Watch

9. Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit – WrestleMania X-Seven

WrestleMania X-Seven is considered by most the best WrestleMania ever. One of the reasons for that is the wide range of styles exhibited in the matches that night. You had McMahon family shenanigans, wild crowd brawling from Undertaker and Triple H, a bloodfeud with Rock and Austin, a TLC car crash, and, of course, chain wrestling.

Chris Benoit’s name will come up on this list a fair bit, and will it is impossible to ignore what became his legacy, he is in many ways Kurt Angle’s greatest opponent. Their match at WrestleMania X-Seven was a brilliant display of grappling and chain wrestling that kept a capacity crowd engaged. The two men had perfect chemistry together and it showed when they stepped in the ring.

Despite a flat finish where Angle rolled up Benoit using his tights, this match was a perfect example of how to tell a story with simple grappling.

5 years ago by Tempest


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