WWE Star Announces ‘One Night Only’ Reunion Of Popular Group

WWE Star Announces ‘One Night Only’ Reunion Of Popular Group WWE

The winner of the NXT Global Heritage Invitational tournament was determined on last night’s NXT show, when Butch defeated Joe Coffey in the tournament final.

Butch’s victory earns him the shot at Noam Dar’s NXT Heritage Cup at this Saturday’s No Mercy premium live event.

With Heritage Cup rules, the two wrestlers tend to have another wrestler in their corner for the match, and with Dar set to have the rest of Meta Four, Butch has announced he will be bringing an old friend to the show with him.

Taking to Twitter, Butch announced that Tyler Bate will be in his corner for his match at No Mercy for a one night only reunion of British Strong Style.

He wrote:

I need a second at No Mercy Saturday. @noamdar is gonna have all of meta-four out there so I’ve asked an old mate to watch my back. Someone who knows Noam and Heritage Cup rules pretty well.

BSS one night only


Also determined on last night’s NXT show was the NXT North American Championship match for No Mercy, with Trick Williams earning the shot at Dominik Mysterio.

Butch’s Brawling Brutes’ stablemate Sheamus is reportedly out of action with a ‘really bad’ shoulder injury.

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1 year ago by Connel Rumsey



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