10 Bret Hart Matches You NEED To Watch

3. Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin – Survivor Series 1996

Bret Hart took time off during the summer of 1996. When he returned, he had a new rival in waiting. His rival was none other than ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin. Austin was ready to make his name at Hart’s expense and while he wasn’t able to get the win, Austin was elevated massively by this feud.

At Survivor Series they had their first match. Their chemistry was undeniable and they were able to skirt the line between an angry brawl and a technical showcase. With Austin being one of the best brawlers ever and Hart being one of the best technicians ever, they accomplished this like no other. This match is so good and it is a perfect example of Bret Hart’s matches holding up perfectly to this day.

2. Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart – WrestleMania X

It took ten years for a truly classic WrestleMania to occur but WrestleMania X pulled it off. This was in no small part to the show’s opening match. Bret Hart took on his brother Owen in what is still the greatest opening match in WWE history.

Owen was the snot-nosed little brother but some have said he was the best worker of the Hart family. If he was given the chance to be a consistent main event player, maybe he would have been able to prove it to the rest of the world. Together with Bret, they had a fantastic match resulting in Owen getting the shock win. To this day, it remains one of the best brother vs. brother matches and one of the best WrestleMania matches ever.

1. Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin – WrestleMania 13

If you have a conversation about WrestleMania moments, this one has to be mentioned. A match that helped define the careers of both Bret Hart and Steve Austin, this five-star match from WrestleMania 13 is a must-watch for all wrestling fans. Austin was becoming more popular and it was time for Bret to make a change.

At the end of a truly classic match, they executed a double turn. With Austin bleeding, Hart locked in the Sharpshooter and Austin did not submit but rather passed out. He was shown to be a badass while Hart refused to give up the hold. It was one of the few WWE matches at this time that proved to be a work of art, accomplishing all of its goals and doing it on WWE’s biggest stage. Put this up against any WWE match and you’ll find it hard to beat it.

What is your favourite Bret Hart match? Let us know on Twitter!

4 years ago by Tempest


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